Do Extension Methods work on null objects?

Common sense would say yes, because those are static objects. But the calling pattern is object.ExtensionMethod() which would make it a little iffy on the developer. Well, Chey tested it today and it works on null objects, so that confusion

Do Extension Methods work on null objects?

Common sense would say yes, because those are static objects. But the calling pattern is object.ExtensionMethod() which would make it a little iffy on the developer. Well, Chey tested it today and it works on null objects, so that confusion


WCF NetMsmq over HTTP

WCF leverages MSMQ’s HTTP communication when the netMsmqBinding’s queueTransferProtocol is set to Srmp or SrmpSecure. MSMQ itself has a bunch of restrictions when delivering messages over the HTTP and HTTPS ports and the following is a partial check list to


WCF NetMsmq over HTTP

WCF leverages MSMQ’s HTTP communication when the netMsmqBinding’s queueTransferProtocol is set to Srmp or SrmpSecure. MSMQ itself has a bunch of restrictions when delivering messages over the HTTP and HTTPS ports and the following is a partial check list to

HTML Help Files

Sandcastle does not allow “.” in the path name and Help File name, when compiling to chm files.

HTML Help Files

Sandcastle does not allow “.” in the path name and Help File name, when compiling to chm files.

/ C#

Retrieving an Embedded Resource

Code: Retrieving an Image that is an Embedded Resource (Visual C#) This example retrieves an image that is an embedded resource of the assembly. Example System.Reflection.Assembly thisExe; thisExe = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); System.IO.Stream file =     thisExe.GetManifestResourceStream("AssemblyName.ImageFile.jpg"); this.pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(file);

/ C#

Retrieving an Embedded Resource

Code: Retrieving an Image that is an Embedded Resource (Visual C#) This example retrieves an image that is an embedded resource of the assembly. Example System.Reflection.Assembly thisExe; thisExe = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); System.IO.Stream file =     thisExe.GetManifestResourceStream("AssemblyName.ImageFile.jpg"); this.pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(file);

Retrieving an Embedded Resource

Code: Retrieving an Image that is an Embedded Resource (Visual C#) This example retrieves an image that is an embedded resource of the assembly. Example System.Reflection.Assembly thisExe; thisExe = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); System.IO.Stream file =     thisExe.GetManifestResourceStream("AssemblyName.ImageFile.jpg"); this.pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(file);

Retrieving an Embedded Resource

Code: Retrieving an Image that is an Embedded Resource (Visual C#) This example retrieves an image that is an embedded resource of the assembly. Example System.Reflection.Assembly thisExe; thisExe = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); System.IO.Stream file =     thisExe.GetManifestResourceStream("AssemblyName.ImageFile.jpg"); this.pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(file);

Data-Driven Unit Tests

These articles describe how to parameterize a unit test to use Access, Excel or other data sources: Keywords: How to: Create a Data-Driven Unit Test

Data-Driven Unit Tests

These articles describe how to parameterize a unit test to use Access, Excel or other data sources: Keywords: How to: Create a Data-Driven Unit Test


Using Default Context Menu Commands

When adding custom context menu to a textbox, the default copy, cut, paste are gone. Here’s how to add those without tinkering with Clipboard class: <ContextMenu x:Key="TextBoxContextMenu" Background="White">   <MenuItem Command="ApplicationCommands.Copy" />   <MenuItem Command="ApplicationCommands.Cut" />   <MenuItem Command="ApplicationCommands.Paste" />


Using Default Context Menu Commands

When adding custom context menu to a textbox, the default copy, cut, paste are gone. Here’s how to add those without tinkering with Clipboard class: <ContextMenu x:Key="TextBoxContextMenu" Background="White">   <MenuItem Command="ApplicationCommands.Copy" />   <MenuItem Command="ApplicationCommands.Cut" />   <MenuItem Command="ApplicationCommands.Paste" />

User Defined Table Types Dal

User defined table types can be passed on Ado.Net  with the use of DataTables   Dal code public static int AddBulkData(Guid itemGuid, List<SettingsPacket> data) {     int result = 0;       DataTable settingsPacketsTable = new DataTable("dbo.udtTypeName");       /*         [Col1] INT,         [ColGuid]

User Defined Table Types Dal

User defined table types can be passed on Ado.Net  with the use of DataTables   Dal code public static int AddBulkData(Guid itemGuid, List<SettingsPacket> data) {     int result = 0;       DataTable settingsPacketsTable = new DataTable("dbo.udtTypeName");       /*         [Col1] INT,         [ColGuid]


WPF TextBox Trace Listener

TextBox Trace listener adds a trace output to a text box Listener using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Controls;   namespace PCM.SystemServices.RequestBuilder {     public class TextBoxTraceListener : TraceListener     {         private TextBox Target;         private StringSendDelegate InvokeWrite;           public TextBoxTraceListener(TextBox target)         {             Target


WPF TextBox Trace Listener

TextBox Trace listener adds a trace output to a text box Listener using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Controls;   namespace PCM.SystemServices.RequestBuilder {     public class TextBoxTraceListener : TraceListener     {         private TextBox Target;         private StringSendDelegate InvokeWrite;           public TextBoxTraceListener(TextBox target)         {             Target